5 tips to improve your online store & ecommerce


There is a wealth of information out there on how to be successful selling online and in ecommerce. You can bet every successful online shop owner felt like they were blindly stabbing in the dark at some point.  

Does that sound like you currently? Well fear not. Below are five ways that made a measurable improvement for online stores, taking each brand from struggle street to successful shop.


1. Mix up your Product Imagery: having curated product images are good, but having pics of real people using your product is better.
Bright, colourful images will always do well online - so fill your pages with crisp, colourful pics that showcase how to use your product in real life. 

2. Write FUN Product Descriptions: people need information and they need it in a way that speaks to them. More is definitely more when it comes to shipping details, sizing and materials - so fill your descriptions and make them exciting. I love this one (right) from Innocent Juice!
(Please consider using tabs to house info - you don’t want the page to be too long) Want the how to guide? See here for more copywriting tips!

3. Add more Call-to-Actions: once you’ve decided what you want people to do - make sure you plaster this everywhere. In your copy - on buttons, in your meta descriptions. Make it too easy for people to purchase. (Want more ideas? Click here to send me an email ;) )


4. Be Strategic with your Pop-Ups: I believe the age of the disruptive pop-up is over. Having a well timed, subtle, and well placed opportunity for people to opt-in to receive communications or a promo code from your business is where the magic is.  This one from Neutrogena is great because it offers people an incentive and it only appears once per visit to the website. The ‘X’ to close is nice and visible - the worst thing you can do is harass visitors to your website with a popup that’s not easy to close. You can bet if they can’t find a way quickly they will go straight for the browser window.

5. Improve Trust with Reviews: The stats are IN - people trust people over brands. So having the good-word of one of your previous customers on both your product pages and your homepage will help bring those conversions home. There are plenty of Apps you can use to facilitate the collection of reviews - you just have to pick one! 


Did you enjoy these tips, or got something that helped your brand?

This blog came out weeks ago as an email to my BFFs who subscribe to Martini Mail. Get marketing and advertising goss each week direct from me! A Brisbane based freelance marketer talking all things social media, content marketing, copywriting and more. Sign up here.

Strategy, TrainingMitzi Wilson